Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Love Word’s

You are the light of my life,

My hope, my inspiration,

The keeper of my heart;

Yes, my love,

Let your heart be mine

And we will stay together through all time.

I know we were meant for each other,

It’s clear.

The overwhelming sensation of love, whether were far or near.

Though I might be far, my heart is near

Just listen to my words and everything will be clear.

And when I am near, you will feel me close,

Because it's you I need the most

I can feel you now, your heart with mine,

Arms wrapped intertwined.

Gazing in your eyes, the love so divine

How did you ever become mine?

You ask me how, I can not say

But I know it's all because of you,

Come what, come may.

We've been through so much, and were still in love,

Could it be that it's our destiny? You are my flying dove.

Our destiny,

Yes, my love.

ALLAH had this plan, I'm most grateful for this love we share

And ALLAH knew, I'd always be there…

Love you with all my heart.

Monday, August 18, 2008


Satu hari CINTA & KAWAN berjalan dalam kampung... Tiba-tiba CINTA terjatuh dalam telaga... Kenapa?? Kerana CINTA itu buta.. Lalu KAWAN pun ikut terjun dalam telaga... Kenapa?? Kerana... KAWAN akan buat apa sahaja demi CINTA !! Di dalam telaga CINTA hilang... Kenapa?? Kerana... CINTA itu halus, mudah hilang kalau tak dijaga, sukar dicari apatah lagi dalam telaga yang gelap...Sedangkan KAWAN masih lagi tercari-cari dimana CINTA & terus menunggu.. Kenapa?? Kerana... KAWAN itu sejati & akan kekal sebagai KAWAN yang setia...kan ?? so, hargai lah KAWAN kita selagi kita terasa dia BERERTI....Walau kita punya couple, teman still paling setia. Walau kita punya harta banyak, teman still paling berharga.