Thursday, October 30, 2008

Refleksi Power Point

Refleksi Power Point = membuat tugasan menggunakan software microsoft power point (PPT).

langkah2 untuk membuat tugasan dengan menggunakan power point adalah:-
1. click pada microsoft office
2. choose the microsoft power point
3. click at "view"
4. click at "master" n choose the "slide master"
5. then, click at "insert new title master" to get the 2nd slide
6. fill the slide with the info @ other thing such as picture
7. after finished, click at"close master view"
8. to get the new slide, just click at "new slide"
saya juga di tugaskan untuk membuat hyperlink dengan meggunakan power point.
langkah2 untuk membuat hyperlink :-
1. copy the slide that want to hyperlink
2. bold the word that want to hyperlink
3. click at "insert" and choose "hyperlink"
4. in the "hyperlink" item, click at at "place in the document" means the hyperlink at the word that i'm already bold.
5. at the "select a place in this document" part, choose the 1st slide that i'd been copy & click "ok"
6. hyperlink successfull!!

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